Ignoring Code

Excluding regions of code, entire documents and token specific occurrences can be achieved a few different ways in Æsthetic. Code exclusion and preservation is handled differently depending on the method leveraged and language.


Æsthetic supports inline ignore comments and developers.


The esthetic-ignore comment can be used to exclude formatting on the entire document.

// esthetic-ignore

/* esthetic-ignore */

<!-- esthetic-ignore -->

{% # esthetic-ignore %}

{% comment %} esthetic-ignore {% endcomment %}
<!-- esthetic-ignore-next -->

{% # esthetic-ignore-next %} {% comment %} esthetic-ignore-next {% endcomment %}
esthetic-ignore-start → esthetic-ignore-end
// esthetic-ignore-start
// esthetic-ignore-end

/* esthetic-ignore-start */
/* esthetic-ignore-end */

<!-- esthetic-ignore-start -->
<!-- esthetic-ignore-end -->

{% # esthetic-ignore-start %}
{% # esthetic-ignore-end %}

{% comment %} esthetic-ignore-start {% endcomment %}
{% comment %} esthetic-ignore-end {% endcomment %}
