Lorem Ipsum

Lorem Ipsum

Lorem Ipsum

Rule Options

This is a LANGUAGE_NAME specific formatting rule which defaults to using preserve when no option has been specified.



Lorem Ipsum

{% # All argument comma separators will be placed at the end %}
{% render 'snippet',
  param_1: true,
  param_2: 1000
  , param_3: 'string'
  , param_4: nil %}

{% if condition == assertion %}

  {% # Filter argument using a comma separator will be placed at the end  %}
  {{ object.prop
    | param_1: true,
    | param_2: 1000
    | param_3:
    arg_1: 'value'
    , arg_2: 2000
    , arg_3: false
    , arg_4: nil
    | param_4: 'xxxx' }}

{% endif %}

{% # All argument comma separators will be placed at the end %}
{% render 'snippet'
  , param_1: true
  , param_2: 1000
  , param_3: 'string'
  , param_4: nil %}

  {% if condition == assertion %}

  {% # Filter argument using a comma separator will be placed at the end  %}
  {{ object.prop | param_1: true, | param_2: 1000 | param_3: arg_1: 'value', arg_2: 2000, arg_3: false, arg_4: nil | param_4: 'xxxx' }}

{% endif %}