Line Break Separator

The lineBreakSeparator rule controls the placement of separator type characters used within tag arguments which span multiple lines. Liquid tags which contain newlines with arguments separated using an operator inferred character (typically a comma ,) are deemed a multiline expression by Æsthetic and will apply forcing in accordance with wrap rules. This option will allow you to control the placement of separators used in multiline expression structures.

Æsthetic does not support = character inferred assertions. It expects nested arguments follow : parameter expressions.

This is a Liquid specific formatting rule which will default to after when no option has been specified. The recommended option to use is before.

Related Rules

The lineBreakSeparator rule is typically used together with the Liquid argumentWrap rule defined the wrap strategy to use when Liquid output or tag type tokens contain multiple filters and/or arguments. By default, Æsthetic will applying forcing when structures exceed ¾ (or 75%) of the global wrap limit.



Below is an example of how this rule works if set to before which is recommended approach. This will ensure all operator separators begin at the start of arguments. Notice how before formatting the comma separators are placed at the end of each parameter argument but after formatting they are moved to the start.

{% # All argument comma separators will be placed at the end %}
{% render 'snippet'
  , param_1: true
  , param_2: 1000
  , param_3: 'string'
  , param_4: nil %}

{% if condition == assertion %}

  {{ object.prop
    | param_1: true
    | param_2: 1000
    | param_3: arg_1: 'value', arg_2: 2000, arg_3: false, arg_4: nil
    | param_4: 'xxxx' }}

{% endif %}
{% # All argument comma separators will be placed at the end %}
{% render 'snippet',
  param_1: true,
  param_2: 1000,
  param_3: 'string',
  param_4: nil %}

{% if condition == assertion %}

  {{ object.prop
    | param_1: true
    | param_2: 1000
    | param_3:
      arg_1: 'value',
      arg_2: 2000,
      arg_3: false,
      arg_4: nil
    | param_4: 'xxxx' }}

{% endif %}



Below is an example of how this rule works if set to default which is the default setting and will leave operator placement intact. Notice in the example how the comma separator of param_1 begins at the end of the argument whereas the comma separator of param_3 and param_4 begins at the start.

{% # Comma separated args will be placed before expression %}
{% render 'snippet',
  param_1: true,
  param_2: 1000,
  param_3: 'string',
  param_4: nil %}

{% if condition == assertion %}

{% # Comma separated args will be placed before expression %}
    | filter:
     arg_1: 'foo',
     arg_2: 2000,
    arg_3: false,
    arg_4: nil
    | append: 'xxx'

{% endif %}
{% # Comma separated args will be placed before expression %}
{% render 'snippet'
  , param_1: true
  , param_2: 1000
  , param_3: 'string'
  , param_4: nil %}

  {% if condition == assertion %}

  {% # Comma separated args will be placed before expression %}
    | filter:
      arg_1: 'foo'
      , arg_2: 2000
      , arg_3: false
      , arg_4: nil
    | append: 'xxx'

{% endif %}