Force Argument

Forces Liquid tag and filter argument expressions onto newlines. By default, this rule uses a value of 0 which will result in arguments being forced when the tag or output token containing them spans ¾ (or 75%) of defined global wrap limit.

See fractional wrapping for more information regarding how fraction based thresholds are determined and calculated.

Related Rules

The forceArgument



By default, this rule uses a value of 0 which infers forcing to apply at a length ¾ (or 75%) of the defined global wrap limit. If your global wrap is set to 0 then no forcing is applied.

{{ object.prop | filter_1: 'value' | filter_2: 'xxx' }}

{% render 'snippet',
param_1: true, param_2: 1000,
param_3: 'string', param_4: nil %}

<div id="foo" class="bar baz">

   unless product.title == nil
    and product.price == nil
    and product.currency == nil
    and product.description == nil
    and == nil %}

{% form 'some-form',
  id: 'some-long-id',
  attr_1: 'foo',
  attr_2: 'bar',
  attr_3: 'baz',
  attr_4: 'xxx' %}

        {% endform %}

        {% endunless %}

<section data-id="qux" aria-label="{{ object.prop }}">
{% assign x = settings.logo
  | image_url: width: 500
  | image_tag:
   class: 'header__heading-logo motion-reduce',
    widths: '50, 100, 150', height: logo_height, foo: bar: 'bax'
  | replace: ',' , 'foo' | font_family: 'bold', '300', 'exec' %}
{{ object.prop | filter_1: 'value' | filter_2: 'xxx' }}

{% render 'snippet',
  param_1: true,
  param_2: 1000,
  param_3: 'string',
  param_4: nil %}

  class="bar baz">

    unless product.title == nil
    and product.price == nil
    and product.currency == nil
    and product.description == nil
    and == nil %}

    {% form 'some-form',
      id: 'some-long-id',
      attr_1: 'foo',
      attr_2: 'bar',
      attr_3: 'baz',
      attr_4: 'xxx' %}

    {% endform %}

  {% endunless %}

    aria-label="{{ object.prop }}">
    {% assign x = settings.logo
      | image_url: width: 500
      | image_tag:
        class: 'header__heading-logo motion-reduce',
        widths: '50, 100, 150',
        height: logo_height,
        foo: bar: 'bax'
      | replace: ',', 'foo'
      | font_family:
        'exec' %}



This is an example of the forceFilter using a value of 3 which will result in forcing only if the tag contains 3 or more filters. A tag with less than this number of filters will not have forcing applied (unless wrap is exceeded).

{{ object.prop | filter_1: 'value' | filter_2: 'xxx' }}

{% render 'snippet',
param_1: true, param_2: 1000,
param_3: 'string', param_4: nil %}

<div id="foo" class="bar baz">
<section data-id="qux" aria-label="{{ object.prop }}">
{% assign x = settings.logo
  | image_url: width: 500
  | image_tag:
   class: 'header__heading-logo motion-reduce'
  , widths: '50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 400, 500',
  height: logo_height, width: settings.logo_width
   alt: logo_alt
  | replace: ',' , 'foo'
  | font_family: 'bold', '300', 'exec'
   | image_url: width: 500 %}
{{ object.prop | filter_1: 'value' | filter_2: 'xxx' }}

{% render 'snippet',
  param_1: true,
  param_2: 1000,
  param_3: 'string',
  param_4: nil %}

<div id="foo" class="bar baz">
  <section data-id="qux" aria-label="{{ object.prop }}">
    {% assign x = settings.logo
      | image_url: width: 500
      | image_tag:
        class: 'header__heading-logo motion-reduce',
        widths: '50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 400, 500',
        height: logo_height,
        width: settings.logo_width,
        alt: logo_alt
      | replace: ',', 'foo'
      | font_family: 'bold', '300', 'exec'
      | image_url: width: 500 %}