Comment Newline

Inserts a new line above comment tags. When enabled the rule will add a newline even if preserveLine is set to 0. The rule will not inject new lines when the previous expression is determined to already contain a new line. The commentNewline rule is disabled (false) by default. Newline insertion will not be applied to comments blocks in the sample.

Liquid line type comments are currently not supported by this rule. Only block type Liquid tokens will be handled.



If the rule is undefined or set to false (which is the default). In the sample, there will be no change applied.

  {% comment %}
    No newline will be inserted above this comment
  {% endcomment %}
    Hello World!
  {% comment %}
    No newline will be inserted above this comment
  {% endcomment %}
  {% comment %}
    No newline will be inserted above this comment
  {% endcomment %}
    Hello World!
{% comment %}
  No newline will be inserted above this comment
{% endcomment %}



When the commentNewline rule is enabled (true) then a newline will inserted above the {% comment %} tag. In the sample, the comment which immediately follows the <li> tag will have a newline inserted above. When a newline exists above a comment tag then no insertion is applied.

  {% comment %}
    A newline will be inserted above this comment
  {% endcomment %}
  {% comment %}
    Same as above, a newline will be inserted
  {% endcomment %}

  {% comment %}
    A newline will be inserted above this comment
  {% endcomment %}

{% comment %}
  Same as above, a newline will be inserted
{% endcomment %}